COVID-19: Immune-Boosting with Resveratrol
Resveratrol balances the immune response, keeping your inflammation in check. Lots in red grapes, etc:
-Byte x Black Oaks: Lower the Load Campaign
Day 6 of 14
Immune Support with Resveratrol
Today’s resveratrol recipe is a simple snack:
1 handful of strawberries and
1 handful of grapes gives you about 2 cups-worth of powerful antioxidants.
Add on a palmful of pistachios (the biggest nut source of resveratrol) and you’ve got even more of the immune-balancing phytonutrient.
If you only have frozen berries, try adding that handful to breakfast cereal (cold or hot), where they’ll begin to thaw within 5 minutes. Or blend your frozen berries into a smoothie for an extra creamy texture.
Try adding extra strawberries to yesterday’s Chocolate Berry Smoothie recipe
What is Resveratrol?
If the immune system is like an army, resveratrol is like the army captain. It keeps the immune system from over-reacting by creating too much inflammation. Yet, it ensures the immune system has the right type of manpower by activating the cells that patrol the perimeter (macrophages).
Also, some studies suggest that even after certain types of common cold viruses invade your nose, resveratrol can keep it from multiplying freely.
Where Can You Find Resveratrol?
The foods with the highest resveratrol content are: red wine, pistachios, peanuts, strawberries, black grapes, and red currants
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Other Places to Research Resveratrol:
See how other phytonutrients support your immune system:
More details from Dr. J:
“Resveratrol found in grapes, berries and nuts as well as chocolates is an important cell defender during a viral infection. It down regulates destructive, pro inflammatory mediators while increasing interferon.” Read more from Dr. J at the Black Oaks Center